私はコロナ前にいた会社はイベント会社でした。そこで、アーティストのライブに合わせてアーティスト毎のフードメニュー開発をしていた事があります。コロナになり、有名アーティストのピアノをモチーフにケーキを作れ️と言われてアルミを買って型から作り、ピアノの蓋はシリコンと紙粘土で型を作り試作しました。オンラインで…との事でしたがあの頃は色々難しくキャンセル。会社も無くなりました…。私は、キャラ弁講座、雑誌の監修、フードメニュー開発と色々やらせて頂いて今に至ります。The company I used to work for was an event company. I was developing food menus for the artists. I became a corona and the president of the company told me to make a cake with a piano of a famous artist as a motif. I bought aluminum and made a mold from it. I made a prototype of the piano lid by making a mold out of silicone and paper mache. They were online…but things were difficult back then and they cancelled. The company is no longer there…. I have been given a variety of assignments, including a kyaraben course, supervising a magazine, and developing food menus, which I have continued to do until now.